Gynæcological and Obstetrical Anatomy and Functional Histology
This is a book at once of Anatomy and Physiology. Chapter VIII, for instance, discusses ovarian endocrine function and its control. The section starts with a description of the hormones of the ovary wherein the relationship with anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is fully discussed. Further on ovarian activity from birth to puberty, during sexual maturity, during pregnancy and finally in the menopause is fully discussed. Such detailed treatment will do credit to any textbook of Endocrinology or Gyna;cology?what to speak of one on Anatomy as is the declared object of the book under review.
منابع مشابه
Anæmia of Pregnancy *Paper read at the First Clinical Meeting of the Bengal Obstetrical and Gynæcological Society, held in March 1937.
متن کامل
Impressions of a Visit to Certain American and Canadian Obstetrical and Gynæcological Clinics *Read 10th June 1925.
In January of this year, through the kindness of the University Court and of the Managers of the Royal Infirmary and Royal Maternity Hospital, I was given three months' leave of absence for the purpose of studying abroad. This time was spent in America and Canada, the more important of the clinics one visited being as follows: In New York, the Bellevue Hospital, a large general hospital with im...
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